
Come find the Sun

Words from: Those who Know

Oh, Divine Mother how the World has changed or has it? Maybe I haven’t seen with my eyes wide open.

With eyes wide open it is sad to see

the goodness that is inherent in us all covered by the sin of greed.

Divine Feminine Power

Divine Feminine Power (Photo credit: Kathy Crabbe Art)

Corruption of our spirits.

Our hearts closed to that which shines from above to us all.

Open Hearts and let in the Light of day

Find Joy and gladness

Life should be Simple and not the chore we have made it to be

Greed in so many Words need not be, but trials and needless strain of the powers that be.

Let go of thine heart and open wide to see who dwells inside

for it is not greed that resides there

But Love of the Father and Mother Divine who is there

Open your Hearts and be who you are

Divine Beings from the very start

The Truth of these words will not compare

With the Love of those that would dare challenge the Love that is waiting there.

Be ever so careful to not get caught in the trap that’s been set

Come Forth my Children and you shall know how much you are Loved

By Those who Know

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