
Come find the Sun

Words for the Wise

reality based view

reality based view (Photo credit: rocketjim54)

Carefully watch your Thoughts,

for they become your Words

Manage and watch your Words,

for they become your Actions

Consider and judge your Actions,

for they become Habits

Acknowledge and watch your Habits,

for they shall become your Values

Understand and embrace your Values,

for they become your Destiny


Wise words by Gandhi

These wise words were passed to me by a dear friend. Thank you


Quest for Truth What’s in a word ?

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More than Words….

The Bible, Upanishads, Vedas, the Torah, etc…. are all sacred texts. Different words given by the Divine to be understandable by different cultures. The concept  is the same: More than words on a page. How to conduct your life. Reading the words and going to services every week means nothing if you don’t put them to practise in your life. That’s what all these sacred texts are about!

Unfortunately, the true meanings have been lost thru time by poor translation, greed and power. The big one: Control.  (so many control issues!). Religious leaders through the ages have hidden, coded, put into metaphor most of these sacred texts. They wanted control of who was getting to heaven.Not their call but, they made it their call. So, where does that leave us? It leaves us 2011 or more years later still in the dark. There are people who, through the Divine, have been given this momentous task of getting the Words un-coded and to share them with others. Not just here at The Rose Trinity, there are others around the world that have had their lives turned upside down by the Divine to get these words out there. Are we complaining? NO, wouldn’t think of it. Turned upside down, oh YES! Wouldn’t change it though. The Divine had to do this because of what went on before. We are blessed and humbled by this honor and pray that the words will be read and understood by as many people as possible.

The signs are all around us that what we’ve become, as people, is not working. It’s effecting our planet, our health, our morals and our judgement. What a mess!! What to do?? Take the signs as The Wakeup Call and make a change! Yeah, I know people don’t like change! But, not changing something that’s working is always the way to go, but honey, this ain’t working!!! We have to change. Everything we know depends on it.

One person at a time, we can do this! Start with something small, Random acts of Kindness. Step out of self-centeredness(that maybe a big one). Say hello to someone. Hold open a door. Say a prayer at mealtime, anytime for that matter. Say “Bless You” when someone sneezes. Be kind to each other. Stop the gossip. Lend a hand to a neighbor without expecting something in return. Small changes will lead to bigger changes. Change Something, we’re all counting on you! Make them more than Words.

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The NY Times, Gimme Gimme Page ??

This was on a page of the NY Times yesterday. A page filled with weird gifts for the holidays? Don’t know, couldn’t get past the Title!  Gimme, Gimme. This is an example of where are society is ? WOW! What have we evolved into?

OK, STOP… We need to seriously work on this!  Some societies have become extinct because of this behavior. Each person only thinks about themselves and what they’ve got and it better be bigger and better than everyone elses and ” I’m not gonna share it with anybody else, either !”. Sounds like a 5 year olds temper tantrum. Seems a lot of people have carried their temper tantrums into adulthood. Time to grow up and be in a higher place than the material world. Because this ain’t working, people!

Let’s start with this Holiday Season. Do you need to go broke to have a great Holiday? Can’t you have a great Holiday without all that stuff? YES, you can. Do you really NEED all the stuff you get for the Holidays? Most of the time you, have to get someone a gift. Have to….  get something they won’t like or ever use. So, why do it? What meaning is behind it. Better to get any old thing? Or, something that comes from the heart ?  Try the heart this year! Could be something simple, wash their car, rake leaves, shovel the sidewalk. Give of your time. A gift of your time will be well-remembered and appreciated. The gift of food is always used, be it making something or a gift card to a grocery store. Please don’t forget the food banks. Times are tough for a lot of people, be as generous as you can. Think of others instead of Gimme, Gimme.

This Holiday Season instead of getting more stuff:

  Give more:  of yourself

        Give more:   to those who have not

        Give more:   of your time

        Give more:   than a passing thought to the Divine (this is what the holidays are about)

    They Give more:   than a passing thought about you

     They Give more:   Love than you would ever imagine, unconditionally (spread it around to others)

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Who are you? Who, Who, Who, Who ???? Continues…..

The Angels have brought up an issue, one of those dark clouds that have been hovering around. Have you thought the situation through, shed some tears, stomped your feet, taken a long walk to think everything through??? Do you think the issue has been dealt with? Did you learn something? Were you honest with yourself? Makes no sense to lie to yourself, the Angels know the truth!! They know that we’re human too!  A work in progress!! Take your time, there aren’t any time constraints here. Some issues are not easy to deal with, that’s why they became clouds in the first place. Keep working through it and don’t stop talking to those Angels, all day long if you need to! Oh, how they love you and want to help you succeed.

OK, worked everything through, feeling that everything is resolved? Awesome!   Ask the Angels to remove it from you. Tell them your done, you don’t need it anymore. Then, Let it go! Visualize a strong wind blowing it away…..( OK, I wrote that and a strong wind started blowing outside my window, hmmm !!?)  cause you did the work and it’s done. Don’t have to deal with that dark cloud anymore!

When your ready, Ask to start working on the next cloud. Keep going. Each time you remove one of those clouds your going to feel better, lighter. A weight will be lifted from you, never knew dark clouds could be so heavy! But they are!!

After you release a cloud, sometimes the issue will come up again. If this happens, the Angels are telling you that an aspect of the issue was not resolved. Ask for their help. Ask for that aspect to be brought to your attention so it can be finished up and removed for good.

It’s the Angels Hope and prayer(mine too) for you to move all those clouds away, so your flower may bloom in the Sun.

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It’s a matter of Trust !

The Divine should be trusted with every aspect of our lives. Like being in a car, either your driving or you’re not!  If the Divine is driving, there is nothing to worry about. What happens when your driving the car? You can get lost. It’s not a GPS you’ll be needing to find the right road, either!  It’s blind faith. It’s trusting that the Divine is going to set you on the right road, but ya gotta let them do the driving. Let go of the Control. Let it roll.

Trust that the Divine is doing what’s best for us. Is it going to match up with what we want in our lives? Oh, probably not. Do we really know what’s best for us? Oh, probably not. We don’t know the Master Plan of why we’re here, but, we’re still trying to control everything! How do you know where to go if you don’t know the PLAN? So, take those 5-10 year life plans and throw it out the passenger side window and enjoy the ride! It’ll be a great ride and an awesome destination.

Is this an easy thing to do? Nope. It takes time to understand the concept. But, if you’re trying to do something and  there’s one obstacle after another blocking your way, the Divine is trying to tell you your on the wrong road. Pay attention to the signs. Let it go. Don’t keep pushing and pushing on the wrong road. The Divine is trying to help you. Let them. Let it go. Then, be patient because something else will present itself and it’ll be on the right road. How will you know it’s the right road? Everything will fall into place and go smoothly. It’ll just flow. When this happens, the road has been paved just for you by the Divine. Enjoy the ride and thank them for it!!

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Words for thought

Know him to be the Supreme One, hidden

Within the hearts of all like cream in milk

And yet encompassing the Universe.

May he free us from all bondage.

The Upanishads


Who is this walking in the clouds ??

Who's walking in the clouds??

alarm clock, bought from IKEA
Image via Wikipedia

Is this a picture of the sun? Nope, a picture taken from an airplane window looking down at the clouds. If you look closely you’ll see a figure at the center. The person that took this photo saw a man walking in the center of this Aura of light. He had on a long robe and shoulder length brown hair. His arms were outstretched as he walked and looked down and surveyed the Earth. What Divine being was walking in the clouds? Some scientist will no doubt have an explanation for this occurance but, what was seen by this person was a miracle. Miracles happen all the time. Not always as momentus as this picture but, small ones that change or make our lives better or save us from some disaster. We don’t even notice them they’re so suttle but,  if your paying attention you’ll start to notice how much the Divine shapes our lives. So, if a Divine being is above us walking around and observing us, Are You Ready ??  Is your house in order?(No, I’m not talking about your housekeeping skills!) You know, your temple, your house, the place where your Soul resides? Well is it?   This is your wake up call!  The Alarm Clock is going off ! Loudly!   No, don’t turn it off and roll over. It’s time to get up and get moving. Time to get things cleaned and cleared up. Hopefully, you’ve already started, but if you haven’t  It’s Time.     Your life not been going as you planned? Are you stressed out, angry, sad ? (Yup, I’m asking alot of questions) Why? I want you to think. You can’t work on your house and what’s going on in your life if  you don’t think. Our lives are bombarded with distractions. TV, phones, I phones, I pads, computers. Sometimes you need to turn everything off! ( After you finish reading this blog, of course) and just be. Sitting in silence for a while and thinking or meditating does wonderful things for your whole body and soul and it’s a great way to start your cleaning project. While your thinking, be honest with yourself. Don’t make excuses for yourself or past bad behavior. That’s just smearing the dirt around.There maybe some diffacult things you may need to sweep out of the corners for you to realize how your life has gotten you where you are. Is it going to be easy?   Some of it wasn’t easy, even to admit to myself,when I started cleaning my house up. Been worth it ? Oh Yeah!! There is real joy in my life. I think it was always there, just couldn’t see it through all the dirt. So drop me a line or two and let me know your thoughts. Blessings to all.

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